A few years later Art’s career was in the ascendant, and he was making a bunch of one-offs as-a-sideman-only for a Japanese label: Yupiteru, later Atlas records. Art was permitted to choose the tunes he wanted to play and which musicians he would play them with. For one of these sessions he chose Jack, and Art begged him to sing “Historia del un Amor” as he had done, regularly, in Monterey. Art loved the way Jack sang. Me, too. (He sang “You Don’t Know Me” better than anyone except, of course, Ray Charles.) Unfortunately, the Japanese did not want to include Jack’s singing. But they didn’t erase it. Here it is. Jack’s voice, Art’s sax, and just a teeny bit of Jack’s trumpet. Forgive the audio quality. Got it from a very old cassette. (Also, Milcho Leviev, p; Tony Dumas, b; Carl Burnett, d.)
Download the tune for free. Simply enter a zero in the "amount" box. Or you can donate to the cause (so Laurie can release more albums).