Every month

Every month I'll post a new "taste" of Art Pepper's music as a FREE DOWNLOAD. These tastes are given away because they are "unreleasable" by virtue of the recording being cut off at beginning or end or by brief audio problems that occurred in the recording process.


I'll also post occasional journal entries including updates on new releases.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Virtue Will Be Rewarded

I'm so grateful to those fans who've donated in response to the "free" downloads -- to support Widow's Taste.  Hundreds do not, and that's cool, because the music is first of all to listen to, to enchant and soothe, to inspire and disturb, to create new fans and reward the  old ones.  (And to encourage people to BUY the stuff that is for sale at cdbaby!)

And speaking of rewards, all those who have donated during 2013 (and my latest begging post was more effective than most), I've got your names and emails and you'll be rewarded with a special, secret download before the end of the year which you will not be permitted to pay for.  Just want to say thanks.  Thanks very much! L.

Just what I always wanted!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laurie,
    Have just joined the blog post for ART. What an Artist!!! I just love his music and am proud to say that I own all his CD's in my collection. He and Paul Desmond are without doubt my favorite of favorite altoists and nobody even comes close to them!!! I have donated to your cause by buying all his unreleased performances from CD BABy and will soon be adding the Winery CD to my collection. Have also recently completed reading Straight Life what a story and can imagine what your life must have been with this genius. I was able to experience his pain, suffering fantastic music all through the book and just loved it. No doubt there are many Art fans all over the world and you are to be commended for keeping him alive for us through Widows Tastes. That way all of us fans will be able to immortalise his genius and breathtaking muisc. I especially love his live version of "Besame Mucho" the long version which he performs on the Tokyo Debut CD. Absolutley breatrhtaking and gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it, on CD, IPOD, in the car and of course in Itunes on the computer. Kudos to you and keep Art alive with the releases!! Most of all thanks for sharing Art's genius with all of us.
    A very loving fan
    Vikram Udeshi
